On-line talk

Lecture delivered via Zoom on 17 May 2021 entitled ‘Recent Organ Projects – their challenges and opportunities’.
Part One (54 minutes)
Part Two (34 minutes)

I regularly present a 280-slide illustrated lecture on Painted Organ Pipes over the centuries. Entitled for the Three Choirs Festival by my agent (PVA) Painted Pipes make Merrier Music, this talk fascinates by the sheer richness of the sight of so many stunning British organ cases. I am very happy to be invited to present this, which takes a maximum of two hours including a break. Several organists’ associations have enjoyed it, as well as the Conference of Diocesan Organ Advisers, the Worcester Three Choirs Festival, the St Albans International Organ Festival, and audiences in the USA and Germany.
Please contact me for further information.
Enjoy this photo of the dramatic organ case at Usk (Gray & Davison, 1861), restored by Nicholsons in 2005.