2024 recitals and lectures

Paul about to give a recital at St Thomas of Canterbury church, Goring-on-Thames, 4th November 2023

March 2024

Sunday March 3rd: 3.00pm
Holywood Parish Church, Belfast
Demonstration recital on the Walker rebuilt Groves organ

Photograph: Paul rehearsing at Holywood

Saturday March 16th: 1.30pm
St Peter’s church, Nottingham
AGM recital for The Organ Club (non Club members welcome)

Photograph: Paul with Dr Peter Siepmann (Director of Music at St Peter’s) at the console

Monday March 18th: 1.05pm
Centenary Methodist Church, Boston
Organ recital

Photograph: the fine Cousans organ at Centenary Methodist Church, Boston

May 2024

Sunday May 5th: 3.30pm
St Martin’s church, Barcheston, Warwickshire
Organ recital

Photograph - church
Photograph - Paul at console

Thursday May 16th: 1.00pm
St Swithun’s church, Retford
Organ recital

Photograph - poster
Retford St Swithun – recital poster
Photograph - the organ
Retford St Swithun – the Cousans organ

June 2024

Friday June 14th: 1.30pm
Southwell Minster
Song Recital with Stephen Cooper

Photograph 1
Paul with Stephen Cooper, 14th June lunchtime concert at Southwell
Photograph 2
Paul with Stephen Cooper, 14th June lunchtime concert at Southwell

July 2024

Saturday 27th July: 4.30pm
St Giles’ church, Lincoln
Organ recital

August 2024

Saturday 3rd August: 6.00pm
Church of the Assumption of the BVM, Beckley (Oxon) 
“Summer Music for a Village Organ”

Saturday 17th August: 12.00 noon
The Victoria Hall, Hanley
‘Organ Proms’ Recital

October 2024

Saturday 5th October: 11.00am
St Peter’s church, Nottingham
Organ recital (part of the Coffee Break series)

Thursday 24th October: 12.00 noon
St Denys’ church, Sleaford
Organ recital

November 2024

Thursday 7th November: 10.30am
Northampton Museum & Art Gallery
Talk (everyone welcome)

December 2024

Wednesday 11th December: 12.30pm
St Editha’s church, Tamworth
Advent Organ Recital