Links to organ-related sites

The Association of Independent Organ Advisers
Advice on new organs and organ restoration

Incorporated Association of Organists
Formed in 1916, the IAO has 6000 members—professionals, amateurs, and music lovers

The Royal College of Organists
The RCO was established in 1864 and has 3000 members, all of whom have an interest in the organ either as professional musicians or as keen enthusiasts

The Royal School of Church Music
The RSCM supports a world-wide network of 9,000 churches, schools and individuals, and is committed to achieving the best use of good music in worship

Guild of Church Musicians
The Guild exists to foster the highest attainable standards of music in worship

Nottingham Bach Choir
More than 100 members meet weekly to sing works covering the whole gamut of the choral repertoire from Bach and Handel to Duruflé and Rutter

Nottingham & District Society of Organists
An active society with interesting regular visits to see, listen to and play organs from large cathedral organs to small house organs, both pipe and electronic

Organ Recitals (UK)
Comprehensive and up-to-date information on organ recitals and recitalists throughout the UK

The Ouseley Trust
The Trust has funds available for organ repairs and other musical objects for Anglican churches where there is an active choral tradition

Organists’ Review
The quarterly magazine of the IAO, providing a kaleidoscope of the organ world, with articles and pictures covering a wide range of subjects

Choir & Organ
An international magazine providing news, articles and reviews of all types of choral music, and celebrating the craft of pipe organ building across the centuries

Southwell Minster
The cathedral of Nottinghamshire

The Organ
A quarterly magazine including articles on new and historic instruments worldwide, organists, composers, festivals and competitions, as well as reviews of concerts, recordings etc

Theatre Organs: then and now
A brief account (US) of the history and development of theatre organs