The Organ Club on tour to the Isle of Wight

Isle of Wight – the 1901 Walker in Temple Moore’s Church of the Good Shepherd, Lake

It was my pleasure to organise an Organ Club 5-day tour of 15 organs (plus Osborne House) on the Isle of Wight, ending up at Quarr Abbey before returning to Portsmouth for a session on the cathedral organ, where we were warmly welcomed by Dr David Price.  The Island has a wide range of organs – some of them fine musical instruments as well as ‘interesting’.

Isle of Wight – Organ Club Tour members at All Saints, Ryde

Island organ-builder Andrew Cooper made most of the arrangements (what a help that was!) and accompanied us on our travels.  At Quarr, the beautiful Mutin Cavaillé-Coll (excellently restored by Andrew Cooper) stole members’ hearts; the truly imperial Fr. Willis at All Saints Ryde thrilled them in equal measure.  A very sociable – sunny – and successful tour.

Isle of Wight – Newport Minster 1957 Walker console
Isle of Wight – Paul playing the 1959 Rushworth & Dreaper console at All Saints, Freshwater
Isle of Wight – the 1857 Bevington (with ‘dumb organist’) at All Saints, Newchurch
Isle of Wight – the Father Willis console at St Michael the Archangel, Shalfleet