24th October 2019

Franz Joseph Haydn’s house in Vienna

Anne and I have just returned from a most enriching holiday in Vienna and Salzburg. By great good fortune we managed to get into the dress rehearsal of La Clemenza di Tito on our second night, and that good fortune remained with us for eleven days as we trod in the footsteps (and in the very houses) of Leopold, Constanze and Wolfgang Mozart, of Michael and Joseph Haydn, and, of course, of Antonio Salieri. A refreshing interlude was a wine-tasting day in the Wachau Valley, culminating in a visit to the glorious Abbey at Melk. Even the weather smiled upon us — and the flights were on time. We could ask for nothing more and returned home truly refreshed and inspired.

Constanze and Leopold Mozart’s grave, St Sebastian’s churchyard, Salzburg
Shrine to Michael Haydn — St Peter’s Church, Salzburg

12th October 2019

I’ve not conducted a Diocesan Choirs Festival since retiring from Southwell so it was a real delight to do so in Henley-on-Thames parish church on October 12th. Numbering around 200 — with an impressive three rows of extremely well-behaved and thoroughly-prepared juniors — the combined choirs of the Diocese of Oxford made a well-blended and confident sound. The rehearsal went smoothly and the service was a delight, enhanced by the fine playing of Sebastian Thomson coping with the rather odd organ, and a thought-provoking address by the Incumbent, Fr. Jeremy Tayler.

13th September 2019

I’m just back from a stimulating couple of days in Swindon, where last night I gave the inaugural recital on a singularly fine organ in the very well-attended Catholic church of the Holy Rood. Anthony Hall (of Clevedon organs) has been ‘titulaire’ there for some years and his firm has just finished enlarging and enhancing the 1930 Ainscough organ. A gorgeous terraced console designed by Anthony and made by Colin Peacock’s team at Renatus was exceptionally comfortable to play and the large and enthusiastic audience made playing a real delight. I can’t remember when I enjoyed playing an opening recital as much!

8th September 2019

Williams Wynne Snetzler organ, National Museum, Cardiff

It has been a stimulating weekend in Cardiff, where the RCO, IAO and BIOS have mounted this year’s three-day Organ Fest. RCO President Gerald Brooks gave immaculately prepared recitals on the two splendid 3-manual Father Willis organs in the city, David Briggs performed an heroic programme on the majestic Nicholson in Llandaff Cathedral (to be broadcast later this month on BBC Radio 3), and a most interesting lecture recital was given in the National Museum of Wales, centred on the Snetzler / Green / Gray & Davison organ in its beautiful and unique Robert Adam case. Anne and I enjoyed all the music and also the social aspects of the weekend, meeting up with many friends. I took a photo of the wonderful Snetzler in the museum; the trip was worth the effort for this organ alone.

1887 Father Willis console, Eglwys Dewi Sant, Cardiff

29th August 2019

An enjoyable annual event, which I have had the honour to organise for the last ten years, is the Diocesan Organ Advisers’ Conference, at which around 30 Anglican Diocesan Organ Advisers from all over the country (plus col­leagues from other denom­inations) assemble for three days for a varied pro­gramme of talks, instruction, organ visits, and general discussion. This week, for the first time since the conference was founded some 60 years ago, we have been based in the Diocese of Leicester, at tranquil Launde Abbey. The conference was centred on the work of local organ-builders Stephen Taylor and Joshua Porritt, several of whose organs were examined and discussed. The photograph is of Taylor’s last remaining untouched organ, at St Peter’s church, Highfields.

14th August 2019

Paul and presentation rose after his Riga Dom recital

Anne and I have just returned from five nights in Riga, Latvia, a city beautifully restored since Latvia regained independence from Russia in 1991. It was a pleasure to be playing five organ solos in two concerts given by the excellent choir of St Peter’s church, Nottingham, under the genial guidance of Dr Peter Siepmann. The most memorable moments were on Sunday in Riga Dom, playing its monster 124-stop Walcker, complete with original 1880s console. A real challenge, but so worthwhile as the organ sounds utterly wonderful. Definitely one to remember.

6th August 2019

The Arts Society, Trent Valley branch, visited beautiful Sledmere House in the East Riding of Yorkshire today. The house boasts a large Binns, Fitton & Haley (rebuilt and enlarged by Principal Pipe Organs) in the attic, speaking down boldly into the entrance hall and played by a three-manual stop-key console. I had great fun entertaining our friends in the group, whose monthly lectures Anne and I attend with enormous pleasure.

23rd July 2019

It’s been a busy few days, during which I took part in a celebratory concert at Southwell Minster, to mark thirty years since I founded the Southwell Minster Choir Association and to relaunch the Southwell Minster Old Choristers’ Association. On Monday 22nd Simon Hogan conducted his final Evensong before leaving the Minster after seven years of stunning playing, following which the Minster Chorale and guests enjoyed a wonderful barbecue in the grounds of Sacrista Prebend (formerly the Choristers’ boarding house). As if that wasn’t enough, our dear friend Murray Somerville gave a splendid recital on the Selby Abbey organ today, followed by a most convivial buffet lunch. The summer has started well!

Murray and Hazel Somerville (centre) with family and friends

9th July 2019

Anne and I have just spent a very happy few days on the Isle of Wight, where I played a recital on the beautiful Mutin / Cavaillé-Coll (restored by Andrew Cooper) in Quarr Abbey and gave some organ advice at Holy Trinity, Cowes. Wonderful weather and the Island was as delightful as ever: we managed two serious walks and rather more serious meals. Let’s hope the former balance out the latter.

23rd June 2019

Well, that’s it: all good things come to an end! Last night the wonderful Nottingham Bach Choir sang their hearts out in my final concert as their Musical Director — after 29 years at the helm. From the VW Mystical Songs, Parry’s Blest pair of Sirens to Haydn’s Little Organ Mass and Bach’s exceptionally challenging Singet dem Herrn — all were sung accurately and stylishly, with expression in the romantic pieces, elegance in the Haydn and sparkling vivacity in the Bach. No conductor could have wished for more — nor for a more enjoyable and stimulating three decades with a choir. I wish all my friends in NBC the very best wishes for an exciting future with my popular and talented successor, Dr Peter Siepmann, to whom I — literally — passed the baton at the end of the evening. Au revoir, NBC!

Paul hands the baton to Dr Peter Siepmann